Advertise in the upcoming
2020 Negril Guide - over 15,000 print copies
are distributed throughout Negril
and in partnership with TPDCO,
to arriving cruise ships for
day trips to the Negril area!
Each year, thousands of
digital downloads
of the Negril Guide reach local
visitors and tourists in Jamaica, the United States, Canada and around the world.
Listing: Business Name, Phone #, E-mail & Website
1/4 Page 2.5"w X 4.5"h
1/3 Page 5.5" w X 2.75" h
1/2 Page 5.5"w X 4.5"h
Full Page 6"w X 9"h
Full Page (back of MAP) 6"w X 9"h
will be added
Inside Cover Page
(FRONT or BACK) 6"w X 9"h
BACK Cover 6"w X 9"h
Discounts Available for Early Advertisers (before June 30,
2019)! Technical Specs:
with 0.25 bleed, Colour
mode: CMYK